We live on a sheep grazing and grain cropping property near Quorn in the Flinders Ranges in northern South Australia.
Bernard is the fourth generation on the land in this region, which makes our children fifth generation. His family came out from England in the early 1800s and moved to Horseshoe Range in the 1870s. We still own the original Carn homestead that you will drive past on your way to the Wilderness Cabin.
Bernard spent his adolescence shearing to earn money to buy more blocks of land around the original 800 hectares that his father had. He slowly purchased land to increase the size of the farm to the 11,000 hectares we now own, made up of four properties – just south of Quorn where we live, grazing land in the Horseshoe Range, Willochra Plain and more north towards Hawker. In 2016, we also purchased Umberatana Station in the North-East pastoral area of SA, and our youngest son, Ben, is now managing and working the properties with Bernard’s help.
We invite you to discover the Wilderness Cabin and take in the peace and magnificence of the land we call home.
Image © John Krüger Photography